About Us

What We Do

Our mission is to provide mid-deployment motivation and smiles with our one of a kind smile kits!

The Z in TeenZ on Board

Our fun-filled smile kits have one main destination: The Zumwalt Class of United States  Naval Ships. These ships - The Zumwalt, Monsoor, and Johnson - are all in this class of ships that is named after Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. As a chief of naval operations during the Nixon administration, Admiral Zumwalt pioneered many positive changes for the navy - including opening new doors for women. Here at TeenZ on Board, we are not only privileged enough to supply smile kits for the ships and their crew, but also to honor Admiral Zumwalt and the class of ships that bear his name!

Why We Do It

The crew is excited when leaving for deployment and in returning, but that long space in between is where we come in. Through donations, we are able to send to the ship items like:

Fun Snacks

Branded Coffee/Tea Packets


Games/ Cards

Personal Toiletry Items

Sports/Lifestyle Magazines

… Anything that makes the sailors smile and lets them know we are thinking about them.